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The SWAN Rating Scale for ADHD

Strengths and Weaknesses of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms and Normal Behaviour Scale (SWAN)

How it Works

Please answer the questions below, rating the child on each of the criteria shown using the scale on the right side of the questionnaire. As you answer each question, check the box that best describes how the child has conducted themselves over the past 6 months. This form may be filled in by any caretaker of the child, including parents, teachers and tutors.

*Adapted from James M. Swanson, Ph.D., University of California, Irvine

The Rating Scale

Not at all
Did not apply to the child at all
Just a little
Applied to the child to some degree, or some of the time
Quite a bit
Applied to the child to a considerable degree, or a good part of time
Very much
Applied to the child very much, or most of the time



Your SWAN Results

Gives close attention to detail and avoids careless mistakes
  • Not at all
  • Just a little
  • Quite a bit
  • Very much
Sustains attention on tasks or play activities
  • Not at all
  • Just a little
  • Quite a bit
  • Very much
Listens when spoken to directly
  • Not at all
  • Just a little
  • Quite a bit
  • Very much
Follows through on instructions and finishes school work and chores
  • Not at all
  • Just a little
  • Quite a bit
  • Very much
Organizes tasks and activities
  • Not at all
  • Just a little
  • Quite a bit
  • Very much
Engages in tasks that require sustained mental effort
  • Not at all
  • Just a little
  • Quite a bit
  • Very much
Keeps track of things necessary for activities (doesn’t lose them)
  • Not at all
  • Just a little
  • Quite a bit
  • Very much
Ignores extraneous stimuli
  • Not at all
  • Just a little
  • Quite a bit
  • Very much
Remembers daily activities
  • Not at all
  • Just a little
  • Quite a bit
  • Very much
Sits still (controls movement of hands or feet or controls squirming)
  • Not at all
  • Just a little
  • Quite a bit
  • Very much
Stays seated (when required by class rules or social conventions)
  • Not at all
  • Just a little
  • Quite a bit
  • Very much
Modulates motor activity (inhibits inappropriate running or climbing)
  • Not at all
  • Just a little
  • Quite a bit
  • Very much
Plays quietly (keeps noise level reasonable)
  • Not at all
  • Just a little
  • Quite a bit
  • Very much
Settles down and rests (controls constant activity)
  • Not at all
  • Just a little
  • Quite a bit
  • Very much
Modulates verbal activity (controls excessive talking)
  • Not at all
  • Just a little
  • Quite a bit
  • Very much
Reflects on questions (controls blurting out answers)
  • Not at all
  • Just a little
  • Quite a bit
  • Very much
Awaits turn (stands in line and takes turns)
  • Not at all
  • Just a little
  • Quite a bit
  • Very much
Enters into conversation and games without interrupting or intruding
  • Not at all
  • Just a little
  • Quite a bit
  • Very much
Please select an answer for all questions.

Your SWAN Score

Thank you for your submission. Your results will be sent to you shortly.

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Fill in the form below and you will receive a copy of your SWAN score.

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