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Premium Longevity Services in Hong Kong

OT&P Healthcare provides tailored services to optimise your physical and metabolic health, supporting you at every stage of life.

Our focus goes beyond traditional care models, aiming to optimise your body's performance and resilience.

OT&P Healthcare delivers tailored services designed to maximise your performance and metabolic health. We're dedicated to enhancing your capacity to function at your peak at every stage of life. Our focus goes beyond traditional care models, aiming to optimise your body's performance and resilience.

By employing advanced strategies and treatments in performance enhancement and metabolic optimisation, our goal is to not just lengthen life but to enrich its quality significantly. We ensure you're equipped to thrive, with every year lived at its absolute fullest potential. Read Longevity FAQs here.

Longevity Content Spotlight

OT&P’s Approach to Longevity

  • Initial Consultation Appointment

    receptionists assisting a couple at OT&P

    Step 01:

    Initial Consultation Appointment

    Start your journey towards optimised health by booking an appointment. We address a wide range of health concerns including hormonal imbalances, fatigue, long COVID symptoms, sleep disturbances, weight management, mood issues, digestive problems, and physical discomfort.

  • Testing and Consultation


    Step 02:

    Testing and Consultation

    Upon reviewing your health profile, one of our specialists will select the most appropriate tests based on your individual needs and health goals. We will engage in a detailed consultation to better understand your unique challenges. Our facility is equipped with advanced diagnostic tools, including VO2 max machines, and collaborates with third-party providers for DEXA scans, among over 15 different assessment methods to accurately diagnose and understand your health status.

  • Recommendations and Action Plan

    Various detailed health and fitness reports from DexaFit

    Step 03:

    Recommendations and Action Plan

    Following a thorough analysis of your test results, our specialists will collaborate with you to develop a personalised action plan. This plan will include specific recommendations designed to guide you to your optimal health state.

  • Ongoing Monitoring and Maintenance

    Smiling mature couple enjoying orange juice

    Step 04:

    Ongoing Monitoring and Maintenance

    To ensure sustained progress towards your health goals, our specialists will conduct regular follow-up appointments. These sessions are crucial for adjusting your treatment plan as needed and providing ongoing support and education about maintaining and improving your overall wellness.

Longevity Testing at OT&P

We leverage advanced tools and expertise in the field of longevity to deliver significant benefits to your health.

Longevity Performance Test

Priced at HK$ 6,120 includes

Grip Strength

Measures the maximum strength of the hand and forearm muscles followed by additional strength tests.

VO2 Max

Assesses cardiovascular fitness by measuring the maximum amount of oxygen the body can utilise during intense exercise.

Strength and Agility Test

Evaluates an individual's physical capabilities in strength and agility through various exercises.


Uses Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry to provide detailed information about body composition, including bone density, fat, and muscle mass.

Resting Metabolic Testing

Our comprehensive longevity performance tests provide a deep insight into your health, forming the foundation of a tailored longevity medicine strategy. We utilise state-of-the-art equipment, including DEXA scans, which offer detailed information on bone density and visceral fat, and VO2 Max tests, renowned for their predictive value on mortality. These tests are crucial in formulating how we can best optimise your body's performance.

Longevity Medical

We assess your biomarkers with the latest and most precise tests available, ensuring a fully personalised longevity medicine strategy. These tests offer a comprehensive view of your general health markers, inflammation levels, hormone health, and cardiovascular condition, including arterial age and more. This detailed analysis aids in crafting highly targeted interventions.

Priced at HK$ 22,800 includes

Longevity Performance Test
Includes all tests under Longevity Performance Tests: 
  • Grip Strength Assessment 
  • VO2 Max 
  • Strength & Agility Test 
  • DEXA Scans
  • Resting Metabolic Testing
CBC (Complete Blood Count)

Provides important information about the kinds and numbers of cells in the blood, especially red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.

Chemfile 20+

A comprehensive panel of tests that checks various blood chemicals to assess general health.


Measures average blood glucose levels over the past three months to assess glucose management.

Fasting Insulin

Measures insulin levels after a period of fasting to assess insulin production and risk of diabetes.

Apolipoprotein B
Helps measure the number of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particles, indicating cardiovascular risk and helping assess cholesterol-related conditions.
Lipoprotein B

Important for assessing cholesterol levels and risk of cardiovascular disease.

Lipoprotein (a)

Measures levels of a specific type of lipoprotein to assess risk for cardiovascular diseases.

Lipid Profile

Assesses blood fats, including cholesterol and triglycerides, to determine cardiovascular health.

CRP us (Ultra-sensitive C-Reactive Protein)

Detects low levels of inflammation in the body which may indicate cardiovascular health risks.

CA 19.9
A tumour marker primarily used to monitor and assess the progression or recurrence of pancreatic cancer and other gastrointestinal cancers.
Body Fat Calculated by Skin Fold
A method to estimate body fat percentage by measuring skinfold thickness at specific sites on the body.
Vitamin D, B12, Folate

Tests for deficiencies in these crucial nutrients which are vital for various body functions including blood cell production and nerve function.


Measured levels of this amino acid are linked to heart disease and stroke risks.

DHEAS (Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate)

Measures levels of this hormone to assess adrenal function and health.

Hormonal Tests

Hormonal tests that assess reproductive health and function:

  • Testosterone / Free and Total (Male)
  • Testosterone / FSH LH E2 PG (Female)
Thyroid Profile (TSH, FT3, FT4)

Evaluates thyroid gland function and metabolism.

Gender-Specific Cancer Screening Markers

Includes tests to help detect or monitor cancer: 

  • PSA (Prostate-Specific Antigen, Male Only): A blood test to screen for prostate cancer and monitor prostate health.
  • CA 125 (Female Only): A tumour marker primarily to monitor ovarian cancer and detect recurrence or progression.
USS Upper Abdomen (Ultrasound Scan)

Uses sound waves to visualise and assess the organs in the upper abdomen for abnormalities.

Stool for Occult Blood
To detect hidden blood in the stool, which may indicate gastrointestinal bleeding or colorectal cancer.
Microscopic Urine
Examine urine for cells, crystals, bacteria, and other substances to help diagnose urinary tract infections, kidney disease, or other urinary disorders.
Oxidative Stress and Antioxidant Status Assessment
Reduced Glutathione (GSH), Ratio Oxidised and Reduced Glutathione (GSH/GSSG) - Govita Lab to measure antioxidant levels and oxidative stress in the body, which can help assess cellular health and potential risk for various diseases.
DEXA Body Composition and Hip & Spine (BNS)
A dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry scan to assess bone density and body composition, including fat and lean mass distribution, particularly around the hip and spine.
Doctor Consultation & Report
A professional review of test results and overall health assessment, providing a tailored health report and recommendations.
Special Discounted Price for Early Registrants

Longevity Subscription Membership

This subscription combines testing with a personalised consultation and ongoing success management.

Register to be the first to know our package pricing and launch dates.

Register Your Interest

OT&P Longevity Initiatives

DexaFit App on an iPhone

OT&P x DexaFit APP

OT&P is the first clinic in Hong Kong to embed the DexaFit App into its services.

As seen on Netflix’s 'You Are What You Eat: A Twin Experiment’, the DexaFit App allows our practitioners to be with you at every step of your health journey while unearthing nuanced and significant health insights bespoke to your pathway to optimal longevity.

A doctor have a consultation with a patient

Female Longevity Check

In collaboration with our BodyWorX clinic, our female longevity check is a program specifically made for active women, designed by women.

From chronic fatigue to not meeting weight loss goals, many symptoms female athletes face are often overlooked and not treated with a nuanced approach taking into account the complexities of female health. Our program addresses this and caters towards women who live an active lifestyle, whether recreational or competitive.

Register your interest and be among the first to be notified & given access to our longevity services

Understanding Markers of Health

Test: V02 Max

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Cardiovascular Fitness

Measures peak oxygen consumption during intense exercise, key for cardiovascular efficiency and endurance. Elevated VO2 Max indicates superior heart and lung function, essential for sustained high performance and extended health span.

 Test: DEXA, Grip Strength 

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Muscle Mass and Strength

DEXA scans accurately analyse muscle composition, while grip strength assessments provide functional muscle evaluation. Maintaining muscle mass and strength supports optimal metabolic health and is linked to enhanced physical capability.

Test: DEXA

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Bone Density

Optimal bone density reduces fracture risk and enhances structural health. Higher bone density supports enduring physical performance and robust health.

Test: Lipid Profile

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Lipid Metabolism

Tracks cholesterol and triglyceride levels crucial for cardiovascular resilience and metabolic efficiency. Managing lipid levels supports metabolic health and optimal bodily function.

Test: Chemfile 20+ 

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Liver and Kidney Function

The liver and kidneys are essential for filtering toxins and managing waste, crucial for maintaining overall health and preventing metabolic disorders. Monitoring their health supports systemic detoxification and metabolic balance.

Test: Thyroid Profile 

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Thyroid Function

Thyroid health is crucial for metabolic rate, energy levels, and thermoregulation. Optimal thyroid function supports cognitive sharpness, energy management, and overall metabolic health.

Test : Oxidative Stress Profile

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Oxidative Stress

Balancing free radicals and antioxidants is vital for cellular health and longevity. Effective management of oxidative stress supports cognitive function and reduces the risk of chronic diseases.

Test: Hormonal Tests

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Hormone Levels

Hormones influence not just metabolism and mood but also cognitive functions and physiological balance. Keeping hormone levels regulated is key for sustaining mental clarity, mood stability, and overall vitality.

Test: (DHEAS)

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Adrenal Health

Maintaining optimal DHEAS levels is essential for robust energy management, stress resilience, and hormonal balance. Elevated DHEAS is linked to improved mental clarity, enhanced physical stamina, and a more effective immune response.

Longevity Content Spotlight

Our Practitioners

Our longevity experts possess extensive knowledge on enhancing daily living to ensure patients achieve optimal health. Each patient is paired with a practitioner specifically chosen to meet their individual needs and requirements based on the practitioner's field of expertise.

Emerging & Innovative Treatments

Emerging and innovative healthcare technologies are revolutionising the way we approach longevity. These advanced treatments target the fundamental aspects of ageing and health, offering new possibilities for extending healthy lifespans, addressing chronic illnesses, and enhancing overall quality of life.

Longevity F.A.Q

At what age should I start caring for longevity?

It's never too early or too late to start caring for longevity. Beginning in your 20s or as soon as you start thinking about your long-term health can have profound benefits.

What does healthy ageing actually mean?

Healthy ageing means maintaining your physical, mental, and social well-being as you age, to live not just longer, but with a better quality of life.

What is the difference between biological and chronological age?

Biological age refers to how well your body is functioning compared to an average person of your chronological age, which is the actual number of years you have lived.

What is the difference between life expectancy and longevity?

Life expectancy is the average age that a person is expected to live, whereas longevity is about the quality and length of life, emphasising a longer span spent in good health.

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